Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You're A Good Man, Ah Kong!

Goodbyes are never easy, I have a deep-rooted dislike for the departure halls at the airport, but this... is the final act (so to speak).

Reminiscing your every action, every response, every smile, every word does not make it any easier to pass the time. As much as we could prepare ourselves, we never expected it to be so soon and so sudden. From your cheery disposition the night before, we thought things may be looking up.

I dreaded the phone call that came at around half past noon on Monday. My heart sank when I heard the distinct ring tone that I have set for family members and the moment I saw the caller, I could only pray for the best. It was not to be...

I may not have as many memories of you as my other siblings and cousins had, but I cherish the few that I have been privileged to be a part of. I have never seen you get angry or even raise your voice up a notch. It is a trait that most of us still struggle to achieve, I know I do. You were never fussy about things, except maybe your own, but that was your comfort zone - keeping things orderly.

You were always friendly... everyone knew who you were. You cared a lot about our well being, to the extent of being a little "cheong hei" (long-winded) but that's just you. How I wish I could hear you being cheong hei to me again about crossing the road or driving carefully or not being out too late at night or keeping a tab on my belongings wherever I go.

I know I will miss the weekly jabs we give each other when we talk about the English Premier League, you being a Man U supporter and me being a Liverpool fan makes for great banter. Who will I tease when Liverpool beats Man U again next season?

I may not remember riding on your motorbike but I think I may have had a few rides when I was younger. I do remember that you have a knack for gardening. I remember visiting you back at the old house where I would always find you at the front garden, either clearing the dead leaves or trimming the branches or watering the plants.

I wish I could recall more, I wish I had pictures to remember these moments with, but most of all, I wish you were still here cracking jokes with us, laughing till your dentures peek through...

You've lived a long life, Ah Kong, and I hope you are pleased with us because we have definitely been blessed by you. See you again someday.


Khai Ven said...

hey jess,

so sorry to hear about ur grandpa..
may God's comfort be with you during these 'down' times..take care!

Christine said...

My condolences to you jess.. stay strong and take good care.. I know how u feel.. I have lost 2 grandparents last year in a gap of 4 months..