Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Human Nature...

It's funny how different every individual on earth is; their characteristics, their temperament, their reactions and so forth. Lately, it makes me wonder if our character as human beings are deteriorating with each passing day.

Are we less courteous now than we were a few decades ago?

Are we getting more impatient as time passes by?

Are we more "me" centered than ever before?

I question because I find it really funny how people who cut into your lane on the road can somehow stare at you or gesture at you as though you did something wrong when it was actually their fault. Or how someone can go up the no entry ramp only to stare you down because you have to give way to them even though it is your right of way.

When have we become so inconsiderate to other people by double parking on a narrow road, making it almost impossible to drive through? Or cross the street without even looking left and right to check for cars? Is the line between right and wrong completely wiped out that people still think they are right when they are actually wrong?

When have we become so ignorant, selfish, self-righteous? Is it inborn? Human nature?

Human beings are not perfect, but I choose to believe that we can work at getting at least near-perfect. I believe we can work at being more polite with one another. I believe that we can learn to be humble enough to know our mistakes and admit them. I believe that we can be more considerate of other people's needs and not just our own. I believe that we can choose to be better people.

The sad reality is, we choose not to. That's the problem.

So, I am stuck with wondering whether I should go scratch the owner's car for his wrongdoing or not.


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