Friday, June 24, 2005

Marriage 101

I watched Mr. & Mrs. Smith, starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, a couple of nights ago with a group of church friends. I'd have to say, however action-packed their life is like, (mind you, it IS!) and dangerous, I thought that was a cool couple right there. I quoted to a friend that I wouldn't mind having THAT kind of marriage! Only the action and the secret compartments part, not the 'married to a stranger' part!

I don't know about you guys, but, until I'm proven wrong, I'd like to KNOW who my future spouse would be first BEFORE taking the plunge. Know as in REALLY know him; his background, his family, his friends, his habits (good and bad), his thoughts, his life. Literally, KNOW him! I mean, 'love at first sight' is very romantic, and though I can't say that I'm totally against it; realistically, I'm not all FOR it either.

My idea of a good marriage is that really basic yet strong foundation found in being friends first. When you get married, you don't LOSE a friend, you GAIN a lifetime companion and THAT is something worth working toward. A couple cannot be a "couple" until they've had their first major argument and learn to settle things amicably and still live through another day without carrying the grudges of that argument. (Uh-huh, that's MY side of it and I'm sticking to it!)

Funny I should be talking about this, as I'm looking forward to travelling down South to Singapore to listen in on a seminar on "Romance, Courtship and Marriage". It's not a bad thing to gain information on Godly relationships. I am totally up for it, like, totally, dude!


Anonymous said...

Hmm. I guess I'm still waiting for our first major argument then. - BHBIL

Anonymous said...

Does that mean chair and I aren't a couple yet?

Anonymous said...

Couldn't be more agree with u. Instead of falling into love, one could be falling into big $**** ('ve seen so many heart-broken cases ). (>o-)V

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't want to be married to a hottie like Brad Pitt? Hahaha.. but of course, it is the heart, character and personality of the man that should come first, not his looks. In the past, I have hardly associated God with romance. But recently, I realised that God is the initiator of the most romantic of real-life marriages. Again, it boils down to what and how people define romance. I personally don't wanna be involved in the kind of superficial "romance" that people often think IS romance. After reading and hearing testimonies about how God orchestrated the unions of Christian couples, it encourages my heart to trust that our Father in heaven knows exactly what He is doing. It is difficult because as humans, we tend to want to see something before we believe. But again, it is a matter of trust and faith to know that our Father will NEVER give us anything that is not good for His beloved children. I know I am not there yet but i just want to believe that I will be blessed with a wonderful husband and a good and fulfilling marriage. I pray the same for the rest of you.