Friday, July 15, 2005


Hmm..... as you can tell, there has been an absence of posts these past few days. I've been too busy to update anything at the moment. I'm literally swamped at work, getting piled by extra work on top of my normal work. Oh well, such is life in the working environment.

One up-side is that I've been given a letter of confirmation after three months of service, which is a good sign. Other than that, I haven't had the time to sit down and think these past few days.

I have, however, been in touch with a couple of missionaries who are currently stationed in Thailand. They are quite the cute couple. It was a fun and interesting time of fellowship and learning, as they had quite a few stories to tell.

Well, as for now, I'm in a very jazzy mood these few days, being influenced by Michael Bublé as well as Renee Olstead. Give them a try if you're a jazz lover. They won't fail to impress.

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