Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Stressed Out...

Let's see, where do I start? Well, the only proper update I can give is that I am totally stressed out. Absolutely and completely stressed out. In these hard times, people are stressed out because they are worried for their jobs and their income - that is perfectly normal. For me, I can say, for now, that my job is safe. However, due to a major shake-up, my company is bearing the brunt of all the workload.

People say, it's good that you have work to do, that means you still have a job. Right now, I have work to do, all right, but TOO much! Imagine doing 10 - 15 people's workload with only 5 employees in that department to handle it. That ought to drive ANYONE crazy!

I have never felt so stressed out before and for the first time this week, I have really struggled to drag myself out of bed to go to work, not knowing what news might hit us next and how it will impact what we are doing right now.

Frankly speaking, I am scared AND stressed. Not a good combination at all.



Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you, hon! May the Lord sustain you and show you his active, daily presence in your life. Especially in these difficult days! Lotsa love, Heidi

Jess said...

Thanks, Heidi! Appreciate it very much. *hugs*